Sunday 1 August 2010

1959 Elvis Presley: A Fool Such As I/I Need Your Love Tonight

Another much covered song from 1953, Presley's recording shows the great leap forward from country to rock and roll never was a jump that far, if there was ever much of a divide in the first place. Either way, 'A Fool Such As I' is an exercise in treading water for Presley and the band with all participants wobbling unsteadily on the ledge between innovation and entertainment. 'A Fool Such As I' is meat and potatoes stuff for sure, but rather than spice it up with some jagged guitar licks and runs, any rough edges are sanded flat with Presley himself, if not exactly taking the piss, not exactly injecting any fire either. 'I Need Your Love Tonight' on the double A side is better in terms of rockabilly swing, but it still sounds like something from one of the myriad Elvis impersonators instead of the real thing. It's all solid enough stuff but - come on - it's not what he's remembered for.

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